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my emulation era

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

A brief introduction to computer and emulations

Emulators are a sensible move by enthusiasts who want to emulate computers or systems of older generations up to a few decades ago on modern computer equipment with exceptional software approaches. The software art for the implementation of such desires is the knowledge to the detail of computer hardware, properties and behavior, and the properties of each integrated circuit. Today, more and more restaurant grips are available, and the knowledge and acquisition base is growing and expanding. Emulators are an interesting step in restoration in a virtual, software form. The emulators and enthusiasts behind them are often the inspiration for electronic computer enthusiasts, sometimes even markets and niches. Many inspiration from emulators has seen the light of day in rebuilding old models with more modern circuits: The latter electronic solution is called the FPGA solution, which allows programming and imitation of circuits with which they can then create a real remake that works like older computer's from years or decades ago. There is a lot of inspiration and enthusiasm, often mostly from talented amateurs. The acquired knowledge serves the further development of the market, niche or career. In addition to emulating oz. mimicking computers and their circuits can also be a little easier to mimic operating systems, which are still able to mimic computer environments or systems without the usual fines and complex software interventions. A good example is DOSBOX, which mimics old PCs 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486 and even the first generation Pentium, or Virtual PC and similar solutions that also allow you to mimic older systems, such as. Windows XP, Windows 98, etc. In the last decade, perhaps a little more, a new field of imitation called Virtualization has been introduced very professionally. Virtualization also mimics or allows multiple virtual systems to run on a single operating system. Today, they are even processor-supported, allowing for higher speeds. Virtualization is today the largest software solution for virtual servers, which usually provides better reliability. There can be up to a few dozen virtual systems running on servers on a single computer. I will not go into virtualization in the Blog, because it is very widely marketed and, above all, dry for ordinary users. Of course, anyone can easily install a virtualization program on their computer and record an older system. The reason for the decision may be some program that does not work in the newer system or just out of nostalgia or curiosity. The interesting thing about emulators is that they are full of liveliness and fun. In addition to the emulators that are installed on the computer, there are also web emulators that work in the browser by visiting their web address. The solution is, of course, slower compared to the installed ones, but they show, at least for a sample, the image of the old computer world. Playing 35-year-old games or listening to electronic browsing and squealing can sometimes be a lot of fun, often better than the latest supergraphic virtual creations in a virtual 3D world. . Definitely upbeat with sleepless nights.

To taste the web emulator that works in the browser. The Apple II computer is emulated.

I listen to all the curious people, like an old man who tells stories to his children ... , Entuzio

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