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My personal Computer history

I'am a computer Enthuziast from 1983 to present day. Work live and born 1970 in Slovenia. My first Compter was a VZ-200 computer from the Laser range of Computer's.

The first contact ... Green phosphor display at the reception of the home hospital in my previouse hometown in Germany. It was 1979. My mother accompanied me as a nine-year-old child through examinations and treatments. The procedure was attempted with injection therapy to accelerate and strengthen. After a year of therapy and surgery, the problems stopped. The state of health returned to normal. The consequences of the treatment and the smell of the anesthetics, however, accompanied me for at least another 15 years, albeit in a mild form. Exercise helped. active sports and movement. I fell in love with athletics and gymnastics, which became my guide until jobs and interests came along that already took away a lot of my free movement. In addition to smoking, which has stunned me for years and years, today I can say that active sport is the queen of health in all respects. Living healthy is worth every step. The first flirtations for the interest of new acquisitions, through children's curiosity, grew into an interest in and knowledge of the calculating machine, as the acquisition of knowledge from science. A machine that knew more than counting was a logical trait of knowledge curiosity. From board and board games to computer entertainment and the possibility of programming logical-mathematical solutions. As a self-taught person, I acquired a lot of knowledge that was not in schools from the knowledge of acquired, simple grasping, the guiding principle was Curiosity. My curiosity was not based on a lavish legacy and a struggle for money or the dominance of technology. Not much is right in today’s technology approach to the value of living. Technology is not a tool but a tool that we should not indulge in, but use as it may be! necessary without exaggeration. I do not recommend letting children use technology for hour's, but devoting time to playing with nature and loved ones. It is true that the microcomputer industry in the 80's was a response to large corporations with supercomputers and people who wanted to bring it closer to individuals as well because of their life experiences. Today, the use of the latter technologies seems to us to be a matter of course, but the world without technology has been much more magical. Maybe! one day we will realize that it was not worth walking this path and I hope that in the future as many people as possible will finally realize this sincere truth once in a lifetime.

My first Computer In 1983, the Slovenian company Iskra opened a new production line, under the Sinclair license, for ZX-Spectrum computers. In addition to the usual contraband, it was now possible to buy the first real domestic foreign computer on our soil, which was, despite that, very expensive even at that time. My high school brother was interested in computer acquisition and bought his first computer with the money he earned during the winter holidays, through the German catalog chain Quelle. The spectrum was too expensive, though. The computer was DickSmith Electronic under license from VTECH Laser group, model VZ-200 with 4Kb-RAM with additional cassette player worth 249DM, 69DM for cassette player. The computer was supplied with one demonstration cassette with programs and a book with instructions for BASIC. After the acquisition during the winter holidays, I became more familiar with the computer for the first time. After a good year of remote approach, I bought my first two modest books on computers and programming. These were my first approaches after programming. During the winter of 1983/84, I got injured while skiing and stayed home for 3 weeks, so for the first time I really took a little more time. I put school halfway aside. That was the first time I really entered the world of computing and programming. Since there were no games on the computer, just a demo tape, I wrote my first drawing program and game ala Space Invader's in the next 3 weeks. What I quickly realized was that it is possible to do many interesting things on a computer, from music to drawing and writing, keeping records, taking notes, and so on. The computer remained in the house until 1985, somewhere around a good two years. Thoughts on upgrades, improvements, or updates have always been open.

Atari generation 'A' The new YU-newspaper star 'Moj Mikro' was inspired to publish all the news about what was happening in the computer sky at the time and its acquisition. Her open-mindedness and generosity wished success among the crowd and attracted readers, enthusiasts and businessmen to read, even across the border ... Thanks to her, new knowledge began to open up ... A magazine that is still published today, but the spirit of knowledge is different from the enthusiasm and curiosity of the time. Because of her information, it was much easier to decide on system replacements or upgrades and developments. There were more and more vendors. Because there was no internet then, like today, where you can browse the web and find your own solution or conclusions, the magazine was a great success. At that time, there was a BBS network system via modem and telephone line, which, due to the costs, discouraged many curious people, and there were no regular telephones in many places. The phone only arrived in our house in 1995. Due to flirtations and the first youthful harmonies, my brother and I decided, as a frivolous enthusiast, to buy a more fun Atari manufacturer, which had been wishing success on the Western Continent for a decade. The new series of Atari computers downgraded the updated older version, which, however, was now very affordable and still very powerful due to its outstanding engineering design. The latest acquisition from its logs was also a computer series ST, which indicated new guidelines for the development of pet or. personal computers.This was in 1985, the same year as the world premiere and it was already possible to buy it here. The price was of course very high. After the Quelle catalog chain, I used my money to buy my first 130XE computer with a cassette player, and a year later a floppy disk drive and a Sanyo monitor.

The next Generation After finishing high school, passing the driving test and even a year of leisure, the time has come for regular military service at the end of the world !. The Navy on the dock with a military hotel and full of youthful non-commitments, despite regular work schedules, rocked youth into a different outlook on life and beyond. An experience rocked by a whirlwind of war that was no longer idyllic in nature and laid new foundations for maturity, victory, curiosity and pain. , which stirred the spirits from day one. They were expensive, slow and mostly uninteresting. Despite that, curiosity led me to buy a computer worth 1800DM, bought across the border via Tržič in Jerovšek's branches, where it was possible to get a cheaper purchase of equipment - contraband - with a little commercial grip. A 9 month adventure with PC-AT 12MHz, Hercules graphics card and 40Mb-HDD with DOS 4.x just didn’t encourage me to be useful, fun and creative etc. A lot of the software was very commercially oriented and without listening to the daily possible usability needs, so I decided to replace it and save quite a bit of money. The newcomer was the long-awaited Atari ST, about which there was so much writing and talking. Although the computer was neatly designed and ergonomically awkward, the weight of the software and hardware itself soon satisfied curiosity. The multitude of programs and delving into an operating system that resembled a Macintosh and could even mimic it gave a lot to say about performance and usability. The computer was enough for all needs; drawing programs, vector programs, basic desktop publishing, programming, 2D-CAD / CAM, electronics, really useful text editors and a number of special, customized programs for the home or beyond. Some programs were also from home logs, such as. editor Steve by Primož Jakopin, who actually missed the fact that it did not become a world hit, The version for windows is called EVA.

A Girlfriend introduces herself So it was written in an article in the magazine 'My Micro at the release of the Commodore Amiga 1000, which was introduced as the Atari ST the same year. Two years later, a newer, more decent, and cheaper end-user model was introduced in the Amiga 500, splitting it into two symbolic camps, Amiga users and Atari users. Despite technological sophistication, the PC became increasingly dominant, including in terms of price, where in the second half of the 1990s the scales fell in favor of the PC computer industry. All medium and small companies, both hardware and software, have failed or been taken over. The exoticism of oasis computers was disappearing in the giants' offer ... After a good two years of using the ST series, a short rest and later purchase of the successor of my friend Amiga 600 followed. Very attractive and useful in terms of price. The selection of software was just as varied as at Atari, or 2D graphics and sampler programs were more prevalent on the Amiga. Jumping to Klagenfurt (Austria) was sometimes no problem.

The last Mohican After quitting my job and going abroad, long-awaited successors from both companies' camps, Commodore and Atari, appeared on the home computer horizon. With its A1200 move, the Commodore introduced a more sophisticated and scalable model, whether even more powerful, more dedicated graphics or video models were on sale. Atari has somehow quietly developed its latest trump card, which really presented a real exoticism, the Atari Falcon 030, which opened up a very wide range of possibilities for the end user, both at home, in music studios or at events with light effects ala Lightmachine.

... everything else is history

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